Sunday, January 27, 2008

Pragmatic Dave on Passion, Skill and 'Having A Blast'

Link: Pragmatic Dave on Passion, Skill and 'Having A Blast'

Monday, January 7, 2008

A loud "Huzzah!" was heard throughout the land

Eric Hodel is giving RDoc some love. You can’t imagine how happy that makes me.

When I first wrote RDoc, I was trying to find a way of solving two problems:

  1. Adding comments to the largely uncommented C source of Ruby, and

  2. Providing a means for library writers easily to document their creations.

I’d just finished the PickAxe, and I wanted to take the work Andy and I had done reverse engineering the Ruby API and add it back into the interpreter source code.

I set myself constraints with RDoc and ri:

  • it should produce at least some documentation even on totally uncommented source files

  • it should extract tacit information from the program source (for example guessing good names for block parameters by looking for yield statements inside methods)

  • the markup in the source files should be unobtrusive. In the typical case, someone reading the source should not even notice that the comments follow markup conventions

  • it should only use libraries that come pre-installed with Ruby

  • the documentation it produced should be portable across machines and architectures

  • it should allow incremental documentation. Libraries that you install over time can add methods to existing classes. As you add these libraries, the method lists in the classes you extend should grow to reflect the changes

  • it should be secure. People pushed many times to add the ability to execute code during the documentation process. I didn’t want to have code run on an end user’s machine during a process that ostensibly was simply installing documentation (particularly as these installations often ran as root)

  • it should be throw-away

The last one might be a surprise, but the real objective of RDoc wasn’t the tool. The real objective was to set a standard that meant that future libraries would get documented in a consistent and usable way. And so RDoc and ri compromised like crazy. Rather than a database or some complex binary format, they used a set of directory trees in the user’s filesystem to store documentation. This documentation, which is basically a set of Ruby objects, was stored using YAML, rather than marshaled objects or Ruby source. Even though YAML is slow, it is more portable than marshaled objects, and more secure than Ruby source. The parser in RDoc was a wild hack on the parser in irb. This means it performs a static, not dynamic, analysis and that it is sometimes confused by edge cases in Ruby syntax. So be it.

But the very worst part of RDoc/ri is the output side. I wanted to be able to produce output in a variety of formats: HTML, plain text, XML, chm, LaTeX, and so on. So the analysis side of RDoc produces a data structure, and passes it to the output side. Here I made a stupid design decision. What RDoc generates internally is basically nested hashes. This has a couple of major advantages. In particular, there’s a kind of fractal property when traversing it: it doesn’t matter how deep you are in the structure—all you pass to the next routine down is a hash. But it has a major downside—it’s a bitch to work with. If I were doing it again, I’d use Structs.

Finally, there’s the generation of the output itself. I needed a templating system and, for what seemed like good reasons at the time, I wrote my own. It was only a handful of lines of code initially. It’s still only a couple of hundred. It did a few things well, but ultimately it was ugly as sin. But now, as Erb has become something of a standard, it is definitely the right time to replace it.

RDoc and ri are, in a way, the ultimate stone soup. The code itself is not the output of the project. The real output is the thousands of libraries that are now self-documenting. Eric and the crew are busy on the stew, replacing the stones with real and tasty ingredients. When they are finished, we’ll be able to use all that library documentation in remarkable new ways. So, a big thank you to Eric and Seattle.rb, and to all the Ruby coders who’ve created such a great base of documentation for us all.

Here’s to RDoc 2.0.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pipelines Using Fibers in Ruby 1.9—Part II

In the previous post, I developed a class called PipelineElement. This made it relatively easy to create elements that act as producers and filters in a programmatic pipeline. Using it, we could write Ruby 1.9 code like:

    10.times do
puts (evens | multiples_of_three | multiples_of_seven).resume

The construct in the loop is a pipeline containing three chunks of code: a generator of even numbers, a filter that only passes multiples of three, and another filter that passes multiples of seven. Numbers are passed from the producer to the first filter, and then from that filter to the next, until finally popping out and being made available to puts.

However, creating these pipeline elements is still something of a pain. It turns out that we can simplify things when it comes to creating filters. In the implementation I’ll show here, we’ll only handle the case of simple transforming filters—filters that take an input, do something to it, and write the result to the filter chain.

Let’s revisit the PipelineElement class

    class PipelineElement

attr_accessor :source

def initialize
@fiber_delegate = do

def |(other)
other.source = self

def resume

def process
while value = input

def handle_value(value)

def input

def output(value)

The process method is the driving loop. It reads the next input from the pipeline, then callshandle_value to deal with it. In the base class, handle_value simply echoes the input to the output-real filters subclass PipelineElement and subclass this method.

Let’s make a small change to the handle_value method.

    def handle_value(value)

def transform(value)

By doing this, we’ve split the transformation of the incoming value into a separate method. And the work done by this method no longer uses any of the state in the PipelineElement object, which means we can also do it in a block in the caller’s context. Let’s change our PipelineElement class to allow this. We’ll have the constructor take an optional block, and we’ll use that block in preference to thetransform. Here’s another listing, showing just the changed methods.

    class PipelineElement

def initialize(&block)
@transformer = block || method(:transform)
@fiber_delegate = do

# ...

def handle_value(value)

This illustrates a cool (and underused) feature of Ruby. Method objects (created with the method(...)call) are duck-typed with proc objects: we can use .call(params) on both. This is a great way of letting users of a class change its behavior either by subclassing and overriding a method, or by simply passing in a block.

With this change in place, we can now write transforming filters using blocks. This is a lot more compact that the previous subclassing approach.

    class Evens < PipelineElement
def process
value = 0
loop do
value += 2

evens =

tripler = {|val| val * 3}
incrementer = {|val| val + 1}

5.times do
puts (evens | tripler | incrementer ).resume

This outputs 1, 7, 13, 19, and 25.

Different Kinds of Filter

This approach works well if all we want is transforming filters. But what if we would also like to simplify filters that either pass of don’t pass values based on some criteria? A block would seem like a great way of specifying the condition, but we’ve already used our one block parameter up. Subclassing to the rescue. We can create two subclasses, Transformer and Filter. One sets the @transformer instance variable to any block it is passed. The other sets @filter. Here’s the relevant code:

    class PipelineElement

attr_accessor :source

def initialize(&block)
@transformer ||= method(:transform)
@filter ||= method(:filter)
@fiber_delegate = do

# ...

def handle_value(value)
output( if

def transform(value)

def filter(value)

class Transformer < PipelineElement
def initialize(&block)
@transformer = block

class Filter < PipelineElement
def initialize(&block)
@filter = block

Thus equipped, we can write:

    tripler          = {|val| val * 3}
incrementer = {|val| val + 1}
multiple_of_five = {|val| val % 5 == 0}

5.times do
puts (evens | tripler | incrementer | multiple_of_five ).resume

Moving The Blocks Inline

Our final hack lets us move the blocks directly into the pipeline.

Let’s look at the actual pipeline code:

    puts (evens | tripler | incrementer | multiple_of_five ).resume

Those pipe characters are simply calls to the | method in class PipelineElement. And methods can take block arguments, right? So what stops us writing

    puts (evens | {|v| v*3} | {|v| v+1} | multiple_of_five ).resume

It turns out that Ruby stops us. The brace characters are taken to be hash parameters, not blocks, so Ruby gets its knickers in a twist. Fortunately, that’s easily fixed by making the method calls explicit.

    puts (evens .| {|v| v*3} .| {|v| v+1} .| multiple_of_five ).resume

Now we just need to make the | method accept an optional block. If the block is present, we use it to create a new transformer.

    def |(other=nil, &block)
other = if block
other.source = self

Ruby 1.9 lets you chain method calls across lines, so we can tidy up our pipeline visually.

    5.times do
puts (evens
.| {|v| v*3}
.| {|v| v+1}
.| multiple_of_five

A Palindrome Finder

Let’s finish with another trivial example. We’ll create a generic producer class that takes a collection and passes it, one element at a time, into the pipeline.

    class Pump < PipelineElement
def initialize(source)
@source = source
def process
@source.each {|item| Fiber.yield item}

Now we can write a simple palindrome finder (a palindrome is a word which is the same when spelled backwards).

    words = %w{Madam, the civic radar rotator is not level.}
is_palindrome = {|word| word == word.reverse}

pipeline = words .| {|word|"^a-z", '') } .| is_palindrome

while word = pipeline.resume
puts word

This outputs: madam, civic, radar, rotator, level.

But what if we instead want to show each word in the input stream, and flag it if it is a palindrome? That’s easily done, but we won’t do it the easy way. Instead, let’s show a more convoluted method, because it might be useful in the general case.

There’s no law to say that a transformer that receives a string as input has to write a string as output. It could, if it wanted to, write an array. Or a structure. So we could write:

    WordInfo =, :forwards, :backwords)

words = %w{Madam, the civic radar rotator is not level.}

normalize = {|word| [word,"^a-z", '')] }

to_word_info = do |word, normalized|
reversed = normalized.reverse, normalized, reversed)

formatter = do |word_info|
if word_info.forwards == word_info.backwords
"'#{word_info.original}' is a palindrome"
"'#{word_info.original}' is not a palindrome"

pipeline = words | normalize | to_word_info | formatter

while word = pipeline.resume
puts word

This outputs

    'Madam,' is a palindrome
'the' is not a palindrome
'civic' is a palindrome
'radar' is a palindrome
'rotator' is a palindrome
'is' is not a palindrome
'not' is not a palindrome
'level.' is a palindrome

So, What’s the Point?


Is this a great way of writing a palindrome finder? Not really. But…

What we’ve done here is turned the way a program works on it’s head. We’ve written chunks of isolated code, each of which either filters or transforms an input. We’ve then independently knitted these chunks together. That’s a high degree of decoupling. We can also leave it until runtime to determine what gets put into the pipeline (and the order that it appears in the pipeline), which means we can move more power into the hands of our users.

Could we have done all this without Fibers? Of course. Could we do it without Ruby 1.9? Absolutely. But sometimes factors come together which lead us to experiment with new ways of thinking about our code.

This pipeline stuff is not revolutionary, and it isn’t generally applicable. But it’s fun to play with. And, for me, that’s the main thing.

A Wee Postscript

All this content is stuff that I decided not to include in the third edition of the PickAxe. It didn’t work in the section on fibers, because it uses programming techniques not yet covered. It didn’t work later because, as an example of various programming techniques, it is just too long.